Global FWN100™ Awards FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I nominate several qualified individuals for more than one award category?
Will the nominator and nominee receive a copy of the nomination submitted?
Is there an awards ceremony and a cost to attend the Filipina Leadership Global Summit?
Are Global FWN100™ award winners required to attend the annual Filipina Leadership Global Summit?
What are the Global FWN100™ awardee requirements for selection?
Who are the members of the Global FWN100™ Award Selection Committee?
About FWN
Imagine a world where Filipina women are CEOs, scientists, artists, and change-makers—leading in every sector of the global economy. That's the future we're building at the Filipina Women's Network.
FWN is more than just an organization – we're a revolution. Founded on a bold vision of Filipina leadership, FWN shines a spotlight on the Most Influential Filipina Women in the World Awardees. These aren't just names on a list – they're a global force of trailblazers who have shattered glass ceilings and transformed industries.
How do we find them? We scour the planet, searching for Filipina women leaving their mark on the world stage. These women are the architects of change, from groundbreaking entrepreneurs to visionary policymakers.
But FWN doesn't stop at recognition. We connect these leaders, creating a robust network of mentorship and collaboration. Their stories become a rallying cry for the next generation, inspiring a wave of Filipina leadership that will reshape the world.
“I founded FWN in 2001 with a group of Filipina women leaders for two reasons:
In my corporate world then, I did not find Filipina women in managerial positions who looked like me, and
After a 2001 internet search for the word “Filipina,” the results returned millions of hits as “mail-order brides, sluts, exotic, sexy, and submissive wives.” After that, FWN launched the Shape the Filipina Image Campaign to highlight Filipina women’s leadership roles and economic contributions in the public and private sectors to balance the internet results. ”
FWN is committed to leveraging its talent pool of accomplished Filipina women by having SELECTED AWARDEES commit to the following:
“Pay forward” by developing a Global Project, a short-term two-year project that will benefit her community with a focus on women and girls. This is a give-back project to her community in the geographic location where she lives, raised her family, built a career, and has thrived. Here are the countries where these projects are ongoing. Read about their projects in the Global Pitch Forum.
FemtorMatch: Femtor (female mentors) a young Filipina to help develop our next generation leaders
Write about her leadership journey and get it published by FWN. FWN publishes the DISRUPT Leadership Book Series, a five-book series, a tapestry woven from the leadership stories of 167 REMARKABLE FILIPINA WOMEN who dared to reshape their worlds across 16 countries.
Join FWN and commit to an annual contribution (renewed every year.) Or become a Lifetime Member for a one-time fee and receive a 30% discount on summit registration fees and FWN branded products.
Attend the Filipina Summit every year.
Nominate an influential Filipina woman every year, preferably someone who lives in her geographic location.
What is the Global FWN100™ Award™?
The FWN Global100™ Award crystal trophy
The Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World Award™ (Global FWN100™) is a dream with a meaningful purpose. The award resulted from Scenario Planning at the 2006 Filipina Summit in San Francisco. The first award was given in 2007 in Washington, DC.
Build FWN's Filipina community’s leaders pipeline—identify influential women to increase the odds that Filipina women will rise to the "C-Suite" level in the private and public sectors worldwide.
Leadership requires support, knowledge, community, and opportunity. The Most Influential Filipina Women in the World awardee cohorts inform, empower, and connect Filipina women across diverse sectors and career levels by bringing together rising stars, accomplished entrepreneurs, professionals, and women at the pinnacle of their careers.
The Global FWN100™ Award is FWN’s campaign to SHAPE THE FILIPINA IMAGE -
Inspire, inform, and advance Filipina women leaders’ careers and businesses.
Position Filipina women as economic and social contributors to the global economy.
Do you know a woman who is a leader in the public AND PRIVATE sectorS at a large company or a non-profit organization?
FWN seeks transformative women who drive the conversations and champion today’s most critical issues in their communities and workplaces. Nominate her for the FWN’s Most Influential Woman in the World Award. These outstanding women leaders will be recognized in a special edition of the FWN Magazine and honored at the 21st Filipina Leadership Global Summit on 26-31 October 2025 in San Francisco. The gala awards ceremony will be the highlight of the Filipina summit.
Nominees will be evaluated on their influence in their industries as well as in their communities. Board affiliations and other leadership roles are vital considerations.
Awardees of previous years will only be eligible if they have changed companies or received a promotion.
Six award categories are given annually. The award categories pages are described below.
Once selected, awardees are asked to sign a commitment pledge to FWN. FWN reserves the right to withdraw the Global FWN100™ Award designation if the awardee has been deemed no longer in good standing with FWN and the community.
Who is an Influential Filipina Woman?
She does not allow anyone to speak for her.
She steps into her power and owns it.
She motivates others to change.
She replaces questionable behaviors with powerful new skills.
She makes things happen.
She takes responsibility for her actions.
She gives back to her community and its future.
She gets off the proverbial tour bus, finds a “seat at the table” where important decisions are made, and speaks her voice.
Who qualifies? Do you qualify?
Are you a 21st-century global leader?
Emotionally Intelligent.
Mastery of self-leadership and well-being.
Embraces change and innovation.
Seeks multiple perspectives.
Empowers others.
Has a growth mindset.
Thinks strategically and not tactically.
Continuous learner.
Connected with the world: fluency with digital, AI technology, and social media.
Known to create multiple futures for her constituency.
Curious always.
Does your work exemplify innovation, femtorship, professionalism, and leadership?
Have you provided a career pathway so others in your network can succeed and be like you?
Are you “paying forward” so others can emulate your footprint? This is how you honor those who have opened doors for you as you navigate and continue to navigate your business and professional career.
Are you a successful entrepreneur with a demonstrated track record of innovation, advancement, achievement, and significance?
Does your work influence the future of the Filipina women’s world community?
Have you ever ‘given back’ and ‘paid forward’ to next-generation Filipina women leaders through the tools and programs of your organization or the Foundation for Filipina Women's Network?
IMPORTANT: As an influential global leader, are you proficient in the current technologies and social media skills that differentiate you in your professional and industry workplaces? Click here for an article on organizational social-media literacy as a source of competitive advantage. Exit the nomination if you need to be tech-proficient. FWN leads through technology in its functions and infrastructure.
How does technology give you and your company a competitive advantage?
It changes industry structure and, in so doing, alters the rules of competition. It creates a competitive advantage by giving companies new ways to outperform their rivals. It spawns whole new businesses, often from within a company's operations.
the above questions require documented evidence of accomplishments.
Documented evidence includes videos, newspaper clippings, articles, essays or books written, blogs, social media features, photos on workplace sites, and short documentation of projects initiated and completed. We gather the awardees at the annual Filipina Leadership Global Summit to recognize them for their contributions to society and business and inspire them to join FWN in influencing the world.
Who is eligible for nomination?
Self-nominations are not accepted.
The Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World™ Award may be received three times.
The Most Influential Filipina Women in the World Award™ (Global FWN100™) Award is a "working award" and selection is open to Filipina women around the world who are currently employed, own a growing business, and are actively engaged in their communities, professions, industries, and the organizations they work for.
We do not provide posthumous awards.
If the nominee is retired, only retired persons engaged in a second career and able to show a track record supported by evidence of being actively engaged in influential activities that increase the power of Filipina women will be considered for the award. The nominee’s body of work must represent documentation of the most recent three years to qualify for nomination.
The Global FWN100™ Award recognizes leaders for actions, projects, campaigns, and/or policies that have a global impact and were conducted or championed within the immediate past three years of their nomination. These initiatives have demonstrable results and can be documented in the award nomination form submission. We are looking for nominees’ initiatives that benefit or have benefitted their immediate organizations, industries, or local communities.
To preserve the integrity of the Global FWN100™ Award, the organizations, individuals, or communities who benefited from the actions of the nominee must be named within the nomination form submission.
What are the award categories?
The Foundation for Filipina Women's Network invites nominations in the following award categories:
BUILDER: Architect of change.
This award goes to the Filipina woman who not only dreams of a better world but lays the foundation stone by stone, leading with heart, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth, and celebrating a Filipina leader who constructs bridges to the future with her remarkable organizational prowess. Recognized for her spirit and dedication to collaboration, driving measurable results, the Builder awardee reshapes the landscape of corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies. A Builder is redefining the essence of leadership and leaving a lasting impact on her organization and community.
FOUNDER & PIONEER: The Groundbreaker.
This award salutes a Filipina woman who is the chief executive, president, executive director, or founder of a company, a non-profit, or a business venture she helped launch, build, or significantly grow. An entrepreneur who has blazed new trails and groundbreaking ventures that reflect a commitment to innovation and growth. This award recognizes those who harness resources, creativity, and technology and have turned visions into reality, leading by example and inspiring bold, innovative leadership legacy.
INNOVATOR & THOUGHT LEADER: pioneer of progress.
This award honors the Filipina woman whose groundbreaking contributions have redefined industries and dares to think differently. From disrupting traditional business models to revolutionizing art, literature, and science, these leaders inspire innovation and foster advancements that change the way we live and whose inventive spirit and visionary ideas have created waves of change, touching lives and shaping the future.
“NICOLE” the revolutionary.
The NICOLE Award honors the Filipina woman leader who has sparked global conversations on women’s rights, national sovereignty, and justice through her strength and advocacy. Named after “Nicole” who became a symbol of resilience and courage, this category celebrates the Filipina woman whose actions inspire societal transformation and pave the way for a better, more equitable world. The NICOLE awardee stands tall in adversity, encouraging others to fight for justice and equality.
POLICYMAKER & VISIONARY: the strategist.
This award honors the Filipina woman leader at the forefront of change whose strategic and business acumen have significantly influenced policy and innovation. She enriches her constituents’ lives by sharing her knowledge and experiences driving progress in business, industry, and society. She is a leader whose foresight and decision-making sculpt a more prosperous and inclusive future.
KEEPER OF THE FLAME: guardians of legacy**
This honor is bestowed upon the FWN Board of Directors, who ensure the flame of global Pinay power continues to burn bright. Through their dedication and commitment, the Keepers of the Flame play a crucial role in sustaining and advancing the vision and values of the Filipina Women’s Network. They are the stewards whose unwavering dedication ensures that the torch of empowerment and leadership continues to be passed from generation to generation.
Sustaining Global Pinay Power is quite daunting. As the excitement dies down and the reality of executing FWN’s Vision sets in, many drop out, and others pick up the torch. The Keepers of the Flame are the caretakers that ensure the FWN Vision is kept alive.
**This category is reserved for FWN Board Directors and Lifetime Awardees who have demonstrated long-term volunteer work and financial support for FWN.
I know a qualified Filipina woman who was selected for the U.S. FWN100™ and/or the Global FWN100™ award. May I nominate her again?
Yes. Previous U.S. FWN100™ (2007-2012) may be nominated for the Global FWN100™ Award.
Global FWN100™ awardees (2013 to current year) may be re-nominated again. The awardee must be able to document her continuing influential work in her professional or industry workplaces, local community, and for FWN since her award year. Self-nominations are not accepted.
These special categories recognize awardees who have consistently demonstrated their influence and commitment to the FWN mission. Do you know a past honoree who continues to inspire? Nominate her for these prestigious awards! Together, let's honor the amazing Global FWN100™ Awardees who are continuing to make a difference in FWN!
There are three award levels:
A U.S. FWN100™ awardee selected between 2007 thru 2012 and is an FWN member in good standing* may be nominated for the Global FWN100™ Award.
CONTINUING INFLUENTIAL GLOBAL FWN100™ AWARD: the sustained impact leader
A Global FWN100™ awardee selected between 2013 and the most current award year may be nominated a second time if she -
Continues to inspire and influence her Filipina women constituency in her country of residence, workplace, profession, industry, and local community
An FWN awardee/member in good standing* for seven years or more
Has demonstrated significant long-term volunteer work for FWN
A Lifetime Member in the year of nomination. If the Nominee is not an FWN Lifetime Member, please have her upgrade her membership.
Celebrate the Filipina leader whose ongoing contributions and commitment to the Filipina Women’s Network have fostered a lasting impact.
This award recognizes those who have achieved personal success and significantly contributed to the global community through femtorship, philanthropy, and influential activities. Nominate the FWN awardee whose exceptional dedication inspires and elevates Filipina women on the world stage.
A Global FWN100™ Awardee may be selected for the third and last time if she -
Has received the Continuing Influential Global FWN100™ Award
Continues to inspire and influence her Filipina women constituency in her country of residence, the FWN sisterhood, global workplace, profession, industry, and local community
An FWN awardee/member in good standing* for 10 years or more
A significant long-term volunteer for FWN
When selected, she will be inducted into the FWN Hall of Fame.
Nominations, including references, evidence of influential activities, and her professional work and business histories, are verified and vetted.
Who is eligible to be nominated for the Continuing Influential Global FWN100™Award and the Hall of Fame: Global FWN100™ Always Influential Award?
Global FWN100™ Awardees are encouraged to nominate their fellow awardees for the Continuing Influential Global FWN100™ or the Always Influential Global FWN100™ Award.
Selection will be based on how the previous awardee has advanced the Foundation for Filipina Women's Network (FWN) mission and supported worldwide activities and programs.
Before submitting a nomination, could you determine what actions the nominee has taken to further FWN's Mission? To upload to the nomination site, you need to upload a digital business photo (recent six months), the most current 250-350-word bio, and a 2-page resume (last ten work years ONLY), NOT a CV.
IMPORTANT: Documentation required. Nominations, including references, evidence of influential activities, and her professional work and business histories, are verified and vetted.
FOR the Continuing Influential Global FWN100™Award
FWN Awardee in good standing for a minimum of five years.
FWN Lifetime Member on the year of nomination
Has developed an FWN Global Project to benefit the Filipina women community in her country of residence
Since receiving the Global FWN100™ Award, document the awardee’s actions to further FWN's Mission. FWN Mission: A Filipina woman leader in every economic sector of the global economy
How has the nominee re-invented herself based on the Global FWN100™ Awardee requirements?
How have the nominee’s influential activities impacted her profession, industry, economic sector, and community?
Could you describe the organizational impact of each influential activity?
On the nomination form, the nominator will require the nominee to provide answers to ALL of the following questions:
Has the nominee successfully nominated at least 7 Filipina women for the US or Global FWN100™ Award?
If yes, list awardees who have successfully received the FWN100™Award and their award year.
Where are her awardees now?
How has each awardee continued her influential activities?
Describe each awardee's progressive influence from award year to year to date.
Has the nominee signed up as an FWN Femtor via the FWN FemtorMatch?
If yes, list 5-10 femtoring relationships the nominee has been engaged in.
List each femtee’s name, femtoring dates, and femtoring relationship outcomes.
If the nominee did not sign up with FWN's FemtorMatch, describe for each femtee, the femtoring relationship, femtoring relationship dates, and femtoring relationship outcomes.
We require one femtee a year starting from the first award date or at least three femtees.
Has the nominee recommended Filipina women colleagues to join FWN, and are FWN members in good standing?
List ten names to be verified with the FWN Member Directory
Has the nominee been a speaker or facilitator for an FWN event or the annual Filipina Leadership Global Summit?
If yes, indicate event dates and topics (at least three events).
Could you describe each involvement?
Has the nominee attended the Filipina Leadership Global Summit annually since she received her first award?
If yes, please list the dates attended for verification.
A minimum of 3 Filipina Summits since receiving her first award.
Has the nominee volunteered her time and resources to FWN as a board member, committee/task force chair/co-chair?
If yes, describe involvements and years.
Has the nominee hosted an FWN event and become an FWN donor, sponsor, advertiser, or exhibitor?
List events, sponsorships, advertisements, exhibitor dates, and other relevant information.
What other relevant and demonstrated actions has the nominee taken to advance FWN's Mission since she received her first award?
Describe the nominee's other influential activities in her profession, industry, and economic sector since she received her award.
What organizations were impacted?
Could you describe activities that benefited the community in her country of residence?
Please provide evidence to support these relevant actions.
For the "Hall of Fame: global FWN100™ Always Influential Award"
This most prestigious and highest award level from the Foundation for Filipina Women's Network will be presented at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit.
The third time an awardee is selected, she will be inducted in a special ceremony into the FWN Hall of Fame and receive the "Always Influential Award Global FWN100.™" This award signifies that she has reached the pinnacle of her career and will no longer qualify for further nominations.
Nominations are vigorously vetted, including references, evidence of influential activities, and her professional work and business histories.
In addition to the required documentation as listed in the Continuing Influential Global FWN100™Award above, nominees must meet the following:
FWN Awardee in good standing for ten years, ten femtees, and attended 5 Filipina Summits
Significant FWN volunteer record for a minimum of 5 years.
What does it mean to be an FWN Awardee/Member in good standing?
Maintaining Your FWN Awardee/Member Status: A Guide to Good Standing
Being a Filipina Woman of Network (FWN) awardee or member is a privilege! It connects you to a powerful network of inspiring women and signifies your commitment to professionalism. Here's how to ensure you maintain your good standing within FWN:
An FWN awardee/member in good standing upholds the organization's values and promotes ethical practices. This means:
Following FWN's Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with FWN's policies and procedures to maintain a smooth and respectful environment for all members.
Maintaining a Strong Reputation: Having a clean criminal record, free of indictments or disciplinary actions, reflects positively on yourself and FWN.
Staying Current with Dues: Regular contributions help FWN continue its mission of empowering Filipina women.
Avoiding Outstanding Dues: Timely payments ensure FWN can continue its valuable programs and events.
Settling Invoices Promptly: Taking care of any outstanding invoices demonstrates your professionalism.
Maintaining Your Award: FWN takes pride in recognizing excellence. Following these guidelines ensures your well-deserved recognition remains intact.
Second Chances at FWN
FWN understands that life can be challenging. If you've encountered difficulties that impacted your good standing, there's a path back. By providing evidence of resolving any legal issues or sanctions, FWN will review your situation and consider restoring your membership status.
We're Here to Help!
FWN values its members and is committed to supporting their success. If you have any questions or need clarification on any of these points, please don’t hesitate to contact the FWN team.
By maintaining good standing, you can continue to benefit from FWN's resources, network with inspiring women, and contribute to the organization's mission of empowering Filipina women around the world.
Can I nominate more than one person on the same nomination form for a particular award category or multiple award categories?
No. All award categories are designed to recognize an outstanding leader with responsibility for the activities or projects described in the nomination for the award category.
Please complete a separate nomination form for each nominee.
Can I nominate several qualified individuals for more than one award category?
Yes, you may. However, the Selection Committee with concurrence from the FWN Board has the final say on which award category best describes your nominee's body of work and influential activities.
Please complete a separate nomination form for each nominee.
You may submit multiple nominations for outstanding women of Philippine ancestry from Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia, Antarctica, and Europe.
30% of Awardees will be selected from the United States, 30% from the Philippines, and 40% from other countries.
Can I mail or email my nominations to the FWN office?
Nominations are submitted online only. You may upload the required documents and photo on the official nomination form. Mailing the required supporting documents to FWN will disqualify your nomination.
Will nominator and nominee receive a copy of the nomination submitted?
Yes. The Nominee and the Nominator will automatically receive an email confirmation with a copy of the online nomination entry. This is the confirmation that the nomination went through successfully.
When the nominator hits “submit” at the end of the online nomination form, ensure you receive an acknowledgment message.
The nominee will receive a copy with a separate email outlining expectations from the Awards Selection Committee.
When you receive a copy of your nomination, please look over your submission for accuracy. The Nominee needs to acknowledge the nomination submitted within five business days. Failure to acknowledge within the 5-day window may disqualify the nomination submitted.
Is there a cost to submit a nomination?
There is no application fee to submit a nomination.
We ask that you give care and full attention before you fill out the nomination form. The nomination host site records every submission.
FWN is a nonprofit volunteer organization and pays a fee to maintain the nomination site. Many hours are donated to process all online nominations to ensure that your nominee is given the due respect and consideration to prepare her for the Global FWN100™ award vetting process and selection.
Frivolous nominations will be deleted and this requires many volunteer hours for review. We appreciate your cooperation.
Is the list of nominees published?
We process all nominations submitted and approved for the award vetting and selection process. Nominees are published on the Global FWN100™ Summit webpage as soon as complete nominations are received and reviewed. The Nominee List is not the final awardee list. We publish the nominations for at least 60 days so that nominees and their nominators know that their entries have met our nomination standards and the public is aware of who has been nominated for transparency and vetting. This gives the Global FWN100™ Selection Committee time to receive nominee disputes for review and vetting.
When is the Global FWN100™ winners list announced?
When selected, the nominees will be notified privately so they can be profiled in the publication of the FWN Magazine Global FWN100™ Commemorative Issue, allow for travel arrangements, and time off from work to attend the Filipina Leadership Global Summit so they can participate in the summit activities, sessions, and media events and fulfill all the requirements to complete the Global FWN100™ awarding process.
The FINAL Awardee complete list will be announced at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit’s Gala Awards Dinner and Ceremony at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit.
Keep checking the FWN Summit pages for FWN summit registration, hotel special rates, airline discounts, visa requirements, optional pre and post-summit workshops and tours, and other logistical details. We update weekly and oftentimes on a daily basis please go to to review the previous summit schedule.
Is there an awards ceremony and a cost to attend the Filipina Leadership Global Summit?
Receiving the Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World Award brings you professional recognition and enhances your organization’s reputation in the global workplace.
Many corporations support and pay for the awardee’s expenses because it enhances their diversity, equity, belonging, and inclusion initiatives. It brings honor to the company and signifies that they have an exceptionally talented employee.
Provide your employer with a copy of your Award Letter. Invite your boss to present your award at the Filipina Summit. FWN has a sample letter to Convince Your Boss. Go to the Filipina Summit web page for a copy.
There is a cost to attending the annual Filipina Leadership Global Summit, which includes the gala awards ceremony. Hotel and travel are extra at the expense of the awardee or the awardee’s company.
FFWN is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions, awardee contributions/renewals, donations, summit fees, event registrations, sponsorships, ads, and other purchases are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID# 47-3527049. If you have questions, contact FWN at 415.935.4FWN (4396) or email
The global awardees’ festivities include the Pinay Time Capsule (video and photo sessions). These awards ceremony activities typically begin with group photo opportunities, meeting FWN board members and the Executive Advisory Council, sponsors, and VIPs at networking gatherings. Awardees will then be presented at a red carpet ceremonial walk on stage, followed by the gala dinner, awards ceremony, and keynotes. We plan for entertainment/dancing during the gala awards festivities.
We require awardees to attend the Filipina Leadership Global Summit, the annual gathering of Filipina women in the diaspora. The summit is the ultimate opportunity to reunite with their awardee cohort and fellow awardees from 2007 thru 2022. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet their FWN sisters from many countries to exchange ideas, develop business collaborations, deepen relationships, and create possible futures for our Filipina global community in the diaspora.
The award was conceived during the 2006 Filipina Summit in San Francisco. The first awards were given at the 2007 Filipina Summit in Washington DC, USA, and are now given annually. It’s been almost 20 years.
Registrations are available at the Filipina Summit event registration page at Register early to confirm your spot and take advantage of early-bird discounts. FWN members receive a discount as a benefit of membership. Lifetime FWN Awardees receive a super 30% discount on all FWN events.
All-Access Summit Fee includes all educational sessions, Learning Journeys, the awards gala dinner, and most meals.
The ALL-Access Summit Pass is discounted for FWN Awardees/Members. Summit fees are higher if you do not utilize the FWN hotel room block negotiated by FWN at discounted rates.
Awardees can only purchase tickets to the Global FWN100™ Gala Awards Dinner and Ceremony for their family and colleagues. Tickets will be available for sale to the public after we've determined that all FWN awardees, sponsors, members, and VIP guests have been accommodated first. VIP tables are available for sale now.
We do not guarantee that individual tickets purchased will be seated together. Securing a paid table is your best guarantee for seating together.
IMPORTANT: Previous-year awardees who register for the Full-Access Summit will be featured in the FWN Magazine Commemorative Issue, lead the Awardee Ceremonial March, and be seated in a special reserved section.
Take your daughter, a femtee, or a young Pinay (age 20 years and below) to the Filipina Summit and receive a 20% rebate on her Full-Access Summit registration fee. Rebate applied after successful registration to the credit card used during registration. Alert FWN via by forwarding the completed registration payment to receive the 20% rebate, which will be credited to your credit card used for registration.
Promo is valid until 15 August, 11:59 PDT
Are Global FWN100™ awardees required to attend the annual Filipina Leadership Global Summit?
Yes. Global FWN100™ Awardees are required to attend the Filipina Leadership Global Summit to complete the awarding process in inducting the awardees into the FWN Global100™ Honor Roll.
If the awardee is unable to attend the Filipina Summit for any reason (no exceptions) the year she is selected, her Award Notification Letter is deferred for a year. If deferment is not utilized in the following year, she will have to stand down for three years after her first nomination and selection; a new nomination is required. A new nominee vetting process is then activated.
Awardees who do not complete the awarding process at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit are:
NOT allowed to use the Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World Award™ or the Global FWN100™ Award designation in their portfolio, resume, CV, bio, website, social media, and other marketing materials.
NOT allowed to use the FWN and Global FWN00™ logos
Awardees pay their way to attend the summit. They are welcome to find a sponsor for their travel, hotel, and summit registration expenses.
FWN requires awardees to officially alert FWN about their intent for sponsor solicitations so FWN can appropriately acknowledge their sponsors and that the awardee's donors meet FWN's 501(c)(3) guidelines for sponsorship and take advantage of tax deductions allowed by U.S. law. Summit sponsors can earmark certain amounts to designate awardee beneficiaries if they choose. Go to the Filipina Summit website for sponsorship levels - >
The Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World Award™ is a recognition working award, an important initiative of the Foundation for Filipina Women’s Network. Attendance at the Filipina Leadership Summit is IMPORTANT because the Summit is the only place where all influential Filipina leaders can meet each other annually to network, collaborate, build, and expand the pipeline of future Filipina leaders through femtoring and business projects. View the Awardees’ Global Pitch Projects here.
IMAGINE what the Most Influential Filipina Women in the World can do when they are all in one place working toward a shared vision. Many public and private partnerships and deep friendships have been developed, activated, and collaborated through attendance at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit through the years.
How do I join the Foundation for Filipina Women's Network?
The Foundation for Filipina Women’s Network is for those selected for the 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the United States Award (2007-2012) and the 100 Most Influential Filipina Women in the World Award (2013 to present).
When nominated, the awardee is invited to join FWN online as an Affiliate Member. When selected for the award, her membership will be elevated to the Global FWN100™ Level.
FWN Awardees renew their tax-deductible contributions annually.
We encourage the US FWN100™ and Global FWN100™ Awardees to join the unique group of FWN Lifetime Awardees for a one-time tax-deductible contribution of $4,500 (USD) and enjoy a 30% lifetime discount to all FWN events. Here's the link to this esteemed group -
Awardee contributions are non-refundable and non-transferable. Awardees can access the online Awardee Directory 365 days, 24/7, from anywhere worldwide as long as there’s internet access. They can look up fellow awardees for effective networking and collaboration by logging in to their account with their unique password.
What do award winners receive?
FWN officers will present the award during the ceremony at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit. Award winners will -
Receive a specially designed crystal trophy personalized with their name engraved on the award.
Be recognized in a special commemorative issue of the FWN Magazine, distributed at the Summit and published online in perpetuity.
Will be listed in the Online Awardee Directory.
Will be invited to publish their leadership journey in the DISRUPT Filipina Leadership Series now in its 5th book.
May use the FWN logo and the Global FWN100™ logo in their professional and business portfolios and marketing materials as long as they maintain their awardee status in good standing.
In order to be published in the FWN Magazine souvenir issue, awardees have to answer the Time Capsule Questionnaire so FWN can accurately capture their correct information for publication. In addition, the Time Capsule is also the form for awardees to be included in the photo and video sessions and to sign up for speaking / facilitation opportunities at the Filipina Summit.
All the above information is indicated on the congratulatory letter sent to each selected awardee to be signed, scanned, and returned before the required deadline dates.
What are the Global FWN100™ awardee requirements?
Being selected for the Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World Award (popularly known as Global FWN100™ Award) is the ultimate recognition by FWN. This is a Working Award and you become an FWN partner and a benefactor of the global Filipina community. It comes with accountability and responsibility. Selected Nominees sign the Global FWN100™ Award Terms of Agreement when notified of award selection.
Awardees are included in the FWN Honor Roll and may use the award designation including the FWN and Global FWN100™ logos on their letterhead, business card, website, and in their career portfolio and bios as long as they are awardees in good standing with FWN and the business community. Here are the requirements to receive the award designation:
Commit to maintaining her FWN Awardee status in good standing.
Commit to supporting FWN’s global mission with at least an annual Awardee Contribution of $350 renewed yearly. Or become a Lifetime Member for a one-time fee of $4,500 and receive 30% discount on summit fees and events + a select of FWN branded items. Go to
Attend the Filipina Global Leadership Summit the year she is selected to complete the awarding process.
Commit to attending annually the Filipina Global Leadership Summit.
Commit to nominating annually at least one outstanding influential colleague in her profession, industry, workplace, or community in her geographic area.
Sign up as a Femtor and be part of developing FWN's talent pipeline of next-generation leaders. To sign up as a femtor, go to For more info about FemtorMatch, go to
Awardee can also sign up as a Femtee to enhance her skill sets in areas she feels she needs improvement. Sign up as Femtee at
Commit to developing ONE new innovative Global Pitch Project that will benefit the Filipina women's community in her geographic area and for the project completed within two years of her award selection.
The proposed Global Pitch Project will receive extra points if her project has collaborators, investors, supporters, or partners ideally from fellow past and present Global FWN100™ Awardees.
When selected, the awardee will present her winning proposed Global Pitch Project at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit the year she receives her award.
The following immediate year, the awardee will introduce her team and supporters and share the challenges and successes in launching her Global Pitch Project at the Global Fulfillment Forum of the Filipina Leadership Global Summit.
In the second year, the awardee receives her award, and she will report on the results of her completed Global Pitch Project and introduce the project’s beneficiaries and the sustainability factors for project continuity at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit.
The Global Pitch Project presentation is an opportunity to engage and invite previous awardees to collaborate with her project.
Previous awardees will be encouraged to collaborate with or support the awardee’s proposed project.
View the current Global Pitch Project and video presentations here
FWN reserves the right to withdraw the Global FWN100™ Award designation if the awardee has been deemed no longer in good standing with FWN and the global business and Filipino community. A Cease-and-Desist Letter will be sent to the awardee to cease using the Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World Award designation in her bio, resume, websites, blogs, marketing collaterals, and social media.
View previous issues of the FWN Magazine.
What is the selection process and criteria?
The Global FWN100™Award Selection Committee ensures that nominations can be reviewed fairly.
The FWN Mission is to identify a Filipina woman leader in every sector of the economy through the Global FWN100 Awards™.
Awardees are selected to ensure that underrepresented economic sectors are included. Thirty percent of Awardees will be selected from the United States, 30 percent from the Philippines, and 40 percent from other countries. These percentages are based on the Foundation for Filipina s awardee membership reach.
The Global FWN100™ Selection Committee is established to ensure that nominations are reviewed fairly. Nominees are selected by a rigorous vetting process which includes:
The nominee's global imprint
A panel interview via Zoom
A review of the accurateness of the nomination submission
Accurateness of the answers to the nomination criteria questions
Social media and Internet vetting
Contacting references and nominators for an interview
Board memberships in significant organizations are strong points in selection.
Review the nominee’s background records. This information has to be disclosed in the nomination form submission.
Ability to complete her Global Pitch Project in two years.
AWARD SELECTION CRITERIA: Tell us why your nominee is influential.
The Filipina Women's Network's Global FWN100™ Award recognizes the remarkable contributions of Filipina women globally. This nomination is crucial—both an honor to her and an inspirational beacon to others. We use a rigorous selection process to consider these key criteria to recognize extraordinary Filipina professionals and leaders. Responses must be clear, convincing, and accurate, as they heavily influence the award selection, accounting for up to 100 points.
The scoring has been set up to be consistent across the award categories. The Selection Committee will provide numerical scores for the following criteria described on the nomination form for activities and projects the nominee initiated or has been involved in her country of residence around three factors + a Bonus Consideration.
Nominate a Filipina who has faced the challenges of a project—failed or successful—and turned those lessons into global achievements. The activity or project where she was pivotal must have occurred within the last two years. The activity must be verifiable during the selection and vetting period. (30 points)
Global Reach: How did this initiative demonstrate a significant, measurable impact worldwide? Did it address a critical global issue or inspire positive change across borders? This could be a social enterprise, community program, or business initiative that has demonstrably created lasting change. Be sure to quantify the impact (e.g., number of people reached, percentage increase/decrease). Explain how the project's influence extends beyond the local or national level. Does it address a global challenge or inspire sustainable solutions in other countries? For example, did the project empower X number of women, raise Y dollars for a cause, or create a policy change impacting Z people globally? Explain how your nominee's actions have shaped discourse, inspired others, or influenced a specific field or industry globally. Provide quantifiable data or specific examples to support your claims.
Overcoming Challenges: Did your nominee face significant obstacles or setbacks in her work? How did she overcome them? Sharing stories of resilience demonstrates not only impact but also exceptional leadership qualities.
Highlight a Filipina leader who has initiated, significantly managed, or enhanced a project with original, transformative, or breakthrough qualities. Choose an activity from the last two years showcasing how her work has benefited professionals, her organization, industry, or the global community. (30 points)
Breaking New Ground: Did your nominee initiate an original project or approach or significantly transform an existing process or idea? How did her innovative approach benefit her industry, community, or colleagues globally? This project should be original, groundbreaking, or have a transformational impact on her profession, organization, industry, or local community.
Measurable Success: Outline the project's positive outcomes. Did it achieve its goals? How did it benefit others? Quantify the impact whenever possible. Consider the project's scalability. Could this innovation be replicated in other contexts or globally?
A sustainable project the nominee has spearheaded or contributed significantly to. Detail an initiative from the last two years demonstrating sustainability in practice within her country of residence with global repercussions. (30 points)
Long-Term Vision: What lasting impacts has this project achieved, and how does it promise to continue benefiting people and the planet? How will the project's impact continue to be felt in the years to come?
Global Relevance: How can this project serve as a model for sustainable solutions in other countries or communities?
Media Recognition: Has your nominee received significant media coverage for her work in the selected Award Criteria? This demonstrates the breadth of her influence and the public's recognition of her achievements. (10 points)
A thorough and compelling response to the Award Selection Criteria is crucial for your nominee's successful selection for the Global FWN100™ Award. It allows the selection committee to fully understand the scope of your nominee's accomplishments and their global significance. By providing concrete examples, data, and evidence of lasting impact, you significantly increase your nominee's chances of being recognized as the Most Influential Filipina Woman in the World.
When selected, the nominee will be notified privately before the Filipina Leadership Global Summit dates so they can plan for travel and hotel arrangements, time off from work, Filipina Leadership Global Summit registration, and participation in the summit activities, sessions, photo/video interview sessions, and media conferences. Their proposed Global Pitch Project will be featured in the FWN Magazine Global FWN100™ Commemorative Issue,
The complete list of FINAL Awardees will be announced at the Gala Awards Dinner and Ceremony at the Filipina Leadership Global Summit & Awards. Go to to register.
I was selected to receive the award and will not be able to attend the Filipina Summit, a requirement in the awarding process. May I defer receiving my award?
No deferments are allowed. You will qualify for nomination three years after your first nomination, e.g., if nominated and/or approved in 2024, you qualify for re-nomination in 2027.
Who are the members of the Global FWN100™ Award Selection Committee?
The Global FWN100™ Award Selection Committee includes senior community leaders, strategists, and thought leaders who are Global FWN100™ Awardees from previous years. Committee members recuse themselves from the selection process if they have a relationship with a nominee.
More questions?
Send us an email or call +1.415.935.4396 (4FWN).